Fungi Medica: Medicinal Mushrooms, Volume I Color Ebook


Featuring the following Plant Healer authors:

Dr. Marija Helt • Logan Keister • Sean Croke • Kiva Rose

Renne Davis • Wendy Petty

The world of Fungi is incredibly vast and diverse, with these ancient and essential lifeforms given the alchemical role of transforming the elements of this breathing, evolving Earth.  For thousands or millions of years humankind has consumed them for food, utilized them as medicine, and taken inspiration and spiritual insights from the entheogenic varieties.  Shrooms connect and communicate with all the trees of the forests, and thus have even more to teach us who come to their door or invite them into our tonics and lives.  While we are publishing another Plant Healer book about mind altering species and the ever mysterious realms of consciousness, Fungi Medica is the first in our series focused entirely on medicinal mushrooms –– on looking with new eyes into certain different representative species, their natural history and medical past, their complex chemistry and wondrous actions, and the different conditions that they may be used to treat.  

What distinguishes this shroom book from others, is its brilliant authors’ often novel ways of thinking and applying what they know, along with the utter depth of their explorations and assessments.  As usual, its chapters are drawn directly from the pages of Plant Healer Quarterly magazine.  Indeed, our gratitude goes out to Plant Healer’s vital contributors, providing fascinating new material every three months and thereby making it possible for us to also bring these many books to you.

Rather than being a collection of field guide monographs or recipes, this series will give you powerful ways in which to understand, work with, and ultimately partner up with these most incontrovertibly amazing, health-gifting beings.

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