Plant Healer Bookstore


Here amidst towering oaks and flowering herbs a sun dappled opening in the foliage beckons to us –– revealing the wisdom-laden shelves of the Plant Healer Bookstore.

Explore a wide selection of books created especially for herbalists and natural healers, students of plants and lovers of nature, explorers of new consciousness and ancient traditions.  

Select from inexpensive digital ebooks, softcover editions and occasional hardback or color editions providing inspiration and instruction on a wide range of topics including herbal treatments for specific conditions and how to make assessments, medicine making skills and recipes, plant magic and lore, medicinal and mind altering mushrooms, cannabis, entheogens and enchantments, organoleptics and aromatherapy, herbal brews and cocktails, herbs for children and expectant mothers, herbal actions and energetics, materia medica (field botany, herb profiles and uses), cultivation and conservation, and launching or further developing an herbal focused business!  

Take in the knowledge and share in the experiences and perspectives of myriad Plant Healer authors, creating, preserving and providing to you the insights and skills needed for our healing of bodies and psyches, of culture and the living planet from which all medicines originate.